
How's it going Blogger, this is Scott, the MassNERDerer.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Shall we Start Some Fitness Talk?!

If you watched my latest video, (click here), and are interested in me sharing a bit more about fitness, some friendly competitions, etc. just let me know by leaving a comment below.

I don't generally film any of my exercises, but my friend grabbed a clip a few days ago after an hour of lower body work. So here's a video of my last 20 yards with my new prowler. Even with light weight, it still kicks some butt.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Next Video: General Squad Tactics

What to get involved with my youtube channel? Well it's not easy to do.
Check out this video for more info: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeDeeYf5oMg
The basics of my next video will be General Squad Tactics, feel free to improve upon it!
Here's some things that will be included:
- Proper communication: Use callouts, ask if squad mate all clear before you spawn on them, let them know when you die, when you want to switch locations, etc.
- Use kits most effectively: Assaults with defibs move in last, allowing others to move first and draw out fire. Assault can clean them up and be there for the revive. Etc.
- Breaching Buildings: How to effectively clear a building, using a squad, communication, and kits all together.

This is just the basics. If you have anything to chime in to improve the video or add your own thoughts, let me know!
Share on here, or
PM on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/MassNERDerer?feature=mhsn
Tweet me: http://twitter.com/#!/MassNERDerer
Post on my Facebook wall: http://www.facebook.com/pages/MassNERDerer/241063802613900

Look forward to your ideas and thanks for taking the time to read/reply.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Just a test.

No blogging as of now. Just setting up the site, seeing how it works, etc. Look forward to some blogs in the future.